
Добавлено в версии 2.19.

Addons provide ways to customize translation workflow. You can install addons to your translation component and they will work behind the scenes. The addon management can be found under Manage menu of a translation component.


Built in addons

Cleanup translation files

Update all translation files to match the monolingual base file. For most file formats, this means removing stale translation keys no longer present in the base file.

Language consistency

This addon ensures that all components within one project have translation to same languages.

Unlike most others, this addon operates on whole project.

Component discovery

This addon automatically adds or removes components to the project based on file changes in the version control system.

It is similar to the import_project management command, but the major difference is that it is triggered on every VCS update. This way you can easily track multiple translation components within one VCS.

To use component discovery, you first need to create one component which will act as master and others will use Weblate internal URLs to it as a VCS configuration. You should choose the one which is less likely to disappear in the future here.

Once you have one component from the target VCS, you can configure the discovery addon to find all translation components in the VCS. The matching is done using regular expression so it can be quite powerful, but it can be complex to configure. You can use examples in the addon help for some common use cases.

Once you hit save, you will be presented with a preview of matched components, so you can check whether the configuration actually matches your needs:



Template markup

Flag unchanged translations to need edit

Добавлено в версии 3.1.

Whenever a new translation string is imported from the VCS and it matches source strings, it is flagged as needing editing in Weblate. This is especially useful for file formats including all strings even if they are not translated.

Flag new source strings to need edit

Whenever a new source string is imported from the VCS, it is flagged as needing editing in Weblate. This way you can easily filter and edit source strings written by the developers.

Flag new translations to need edit

Whenever a new translation string is imported from the VCS, it is flagged as needing editing in Weblate. This way you can easily filter and edit translations created by the developers.

Statistics generator

This addon generates a file containing detailed information about the translation. You can use Django template in both filename and content, see Template markup for detailed markup description.

For example generating summary file for each translations:

Name of generated file
locale/{{ language_code }}.json
   "language": "{{ language_code }}",
   "strings": "{{ stats.all }}",
   "translated": "{{ stats.translated }}",
   "last_changed": "{{ stats.last_changed }}",
   "last_author": "{{ stats.last_author }}",


Template markup

Contributors in comment

Update comment in the PO file header to include contributor name and years of contributions.

Update ALL_LINGUAS variable in the configure file

Updates the ALL_LINGUAS variable in configure, or files, when a new translation is added.

Customize gettext output

Allows customization of gettext output behavior, for example line wrapping.

Update LINGUAS file

Updates the LINGUAS file when a new translation is added.

Generate MO files

Automatically generates MO file for every changed PO file.

Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)

Update all PO files to match the POT file using msgmerge. This is triggered whenever new changes are pulled from the upstream repository.

Customize JSON output

Allows to customize JSON output behavior, for example indentation or sorting.

Formats the Java properties file

This addon sorts the Java properties file.

Customizing list of addons

List of addons is configured by WEBLATE_ADDONS, to add another addon simply include class absolute name in this setting.

Writing addon

You can write own addons as well, all you need to do is subclass BaseAddon, define addon metadata and implement callback which will do the processing.

You can look at example addon for more information:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2012 - 2018 Michal Čihař <>
# This file is part of Weblate <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from weblate.addons.base import BaseAddon
from import EVENT_PRE_COMMIT

class ExampleAddon(BaseAddon):
    # Filter for compatible components, every key is
    # matched against property of component
    compat = {
        'file_format': frozenset((
            'po', 'po-mono',
    # List of events addon should receive
    events = (EVENT_PRE_COMMIT,)
    # Addon unique identifier
    name = 'weblate.example.example'
    # Verbose name shown in the user interface
    verbose = _('Example addon')
    # Detailed addon description
    description = _('This addon does nothing it is just an example.')

    # Callback to implement custom behavior
    def pre_commit(self, translation, author):

Executing scripts from addon

You can also use addons to execute external scripts. This used to be integrated in Weblate, but now you have to write little code to wrap your script with an addon.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2012 - 2018 Michal Čihař <>
# This file is part of Weblate <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Example pre commit script

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from import EVENT_PRE_COMMIT
from weblate.addons.scripts import BaseScriptAddon

class ExamplePreAddon(BaseScriptAddon):
    # Event used to trigger the script
    events = (EVENT_PRE_COMMIT,)
    # Name of the addon, has to be unique
    name = 'weblate.example.pre'
    # Verbose name and long descrption
    verbose = _('Execute script before commit')
    description = _('This addon executes a script.')

    # Script to execute
    script = '/bin/true'
    # File to add in commit (for pre commit event)
    # does not have to be set
    add_file = 'po/{{ language_code }}.po'

The script is executed with the current directory set to the root of the VCS repository for given component.

Additionally, the following environment variables are available:


Version control system used.


Upstream repository URL.


Absolute path to VCS repository.


Добавлено в версии 2.11.

Repository branch configured in the current component.


File mask for current component.


File name of template for monolingual translations (can be empty).


Добавлено в версии 2.14.

File name of the file which is used for creating new translations (can be empty).


File format used in current component.


Language of currently processed translation (not available for component level hooks).


Previous HEAD on update (available only available when running post update hook).


Component configuration

Post update repository processing

Post update repository processing can be used to update translation files on the source change. To achieve this, please remember that Weblate only sees files which are committed to the VCS, so you need to commit changes as a part of the script.

For example with gulp you can do it using following code:

#! /bin/sh
gulp --gulpfile gulp-i18n-extract.js
git commit -m 'Update source strings' src/languages/en.lang.json

Pre commit processing of translations

In many cases you might want to automatically do some changes to the translation before it is committed to the repository. The pre commit script is exactly the place to achieve this.

It is passed a single parameter consisting of file name of current translation.